Monday, November 7, 2011

Are You Eeyore or Pooh?

How many of us are card-carrying members of this club? If you think it's more than a chance encounter to catch clocks, signs and sales receipts with some form of 11:11, and it happens just often enough for you to wonder if there's something more to it than coincidence, then you're in good company.

But that's not really what this post is about. I did want to acknowledge a pretty significant occurrence most of us will never again experience, and now we'll take it in a slightly different direction.

Who you are and what you believe will determine how you'll celebrate -- or ignore -- this much-anticipated day. It's either synchronicity or hooey. The end of the world or just the beginning. Chaos or clarity. And for some just another reason to party. Even the Ku Klux Klan rally in Alabama qualifies as a bona fide celebration that day because, after all, "K" is the 11th letter of the alphabet. But really, it seems to be just a mystical approach to the law of attraction philosophy rather than anything evil or virtuous. Personal development blogger Steve Pavlina says:
11:11 is a doorway (one of many) to a new level of existence. It is the introductory chapter to a greater understanding of reality. Instead of going through life as a hapless victim, 11:11 shows you how to begin creating your reality.
The struggle between positive and negative forces has plagued man since he first started wondering "why." Some consider this dichotomy outside the realm of our control, since it really does seem humans are naturally hard-wired for negativity. Think about the conscious effort it takes to push aside doubt and pessimism in order to find courage and hope. When was the last time you had to remind yourself to be unhappy?

One of many uses for today's social media is as a global billboard for sharing mantras, affirmations and feel-good posts meant to inspire the masses; all are enjoyed and some are tucked away as reminders. Yet it's the rare individual who doesn't soon get pulled back into the endless loop of uncooperative thoughts despite such positive influences.

Berkeley and Plato believed man has complete jurisdiction over how he perceives - and thereby responds to - negative stimulus; the more spiritually evolved a person is, the greater tendency he or she has toward positive thinking and the opportunities it draws. Yes, it involves a lot of effort and yes, we will always be susceptible to drifting backward into negativity, but just remember there is an unlimited number of "do overs" for you to stay on track.

There's also no need to go it alone. Fortify your validity through those who have already laid down the groundworkBorrow freely of their examples and experiences. Embrace what resonates. Build upon them so you can inspire others and continue the momentum. The Tao of Pooh is a great place to start because of its childhood familiarity. In it you'll understand why Eeyore frets, Piglet hesitates, Rabbit calculates, Owl pontificates while Pooh just is.

But just in case, it won't hurt to make a wish when the clock lights up with all those identical numerals. For right now, however, you'll find 4 minutes & 11 seconds of pure, fearless inspiration to embrace and share below.

What inspires you and keeps your path clear of negativity? Please share your insights here - we'd all love to learn from them.


  1. I've always loved pooh but find myself more like tigger most days. I find my
    "pooh" when I let go of yesterdays dissappointments, today's troubles,
    and tomorrow's worries and just BE with my furry kids. I let it all go
    And live in the moment; treasuring every sweet moment and silly antic.
    **I have the Tao of Pooh book**. :) lisa y

  2. Indeed an inspirational video! Things like this are what can get our mind back on track, help us refocus our perspective. You ask a good question when you ask "What inspires you and keeps your path clear of negativity?". This is something different for everyone. For me, the readings of Dr. Wayne Dyer really resonate. Sometimes it is a particular place that 'speaks' to me, such as certain places in New Mexico. Many times we can each draw upon our own synchronistic events experienced in the past; remembering past miracles confirms that miracles do indeed happen!

    Thank you for asking this thought provoking question! Each of us has a pathway that brings us back to synchronicity and inspiration; we just need to discover that path and follow it when we feel lost. Jool

  3. Lori / Scribbles 'N BitzNovember 12, 2011 at 9:59 AM

    That's a really interesting self-assessment, Lisa. So, it seems we can embody more than just one of Christopher Robin's friends depending on where our outlook is at a particular time. And, like you say, there are special things/people/animals in our lives to help us return to being Pooh.

  4. Lori / Scribbles 'N BitzNovember 12, 2011 at 10:07 AM

    Such a good point, Julie, about how those things that bring us back to center are so specific to each individual. The tedious focus of building model planes may be the Zen pathway for one and a completely frustrating chore for another. Sitting quietly in nature is incredibly rejuvenating to some yet quite boring to others. It's finding what works for us that provides our important go-to place.
